ash syntax error in nested case ... esac

Alexander Kriegisch Alexander at
Sun Oct 7 17:29:01 UTC 2007

Bernhard Fischer:
> I don't see the backticks in svn that were mentioned earlier in this thread.
> So yes, to me it looks like this is fixed in svn.

Confirmed. I just checked BusyBox.html after having called "make doc". :-)

Paul Fox wrote earlier:
> [ btw, this is an excellent example of a place where debugging
> was greatly sped up by using an editor with shell syntax
> coloring.  the odd colors in your script were immediately
> apparent.  (i use vile.  i assume vim and emacs would be helpful
> as well.) ]

I agree, but in this case I just pasted the text into a stripped-down
Nano editor (no syntax highlighting compiled in) on my embedded platform...
Alexander Kriegisch

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