Bug in cut

Richard Hoyle hoyle.richard at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 23 04:42:07 UTC 2007

On Nov 23, 2007 2:43 AM, Denys Vlasenko <vda.linux at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > b) Why do some utils finish with a (indirect) call to
> >    fflush(stdout), and others do not?  Wouldn't it be better to
> >    call fflush in all utils or call fflush in none?
> It allows them to return exit code 1 ("error") if there was
> a problem writing to standard output.
> It should be done only in those utilities which primary
> result is stdout output (e.g. cat, sort, sed).
> For example, modprobe does not need to do that.

Would that then be a good argument for adding it to cut, as per my first

Anyway, wow, thanks for the full and speedy reply!

All the best,


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