busybox post from creder at digitalcpt.com requires approval

Denis Vlasenko vda.linux at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 20 21:25:55 UTC 2007

On Friday 20 July 2007 16:25, busybox-owner at busybox.net wrote:
> As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the
> following mailing list posting:
>     List:    busybox at busybox.net
>     From:    creder at digitalcpt.com
>     Subject: tftp, kernel crash, attempt to kill init
>     Reason:  Message body is too big: 134265 bytes with a limit of 40 KB
> At your convenience, visit:
>     http://busybox.net/cgi-bin/mailman/admindb/busybox
> to approve or deny the request.

Hello all, I am using busybox v 1.5.1 with tftp.  I have been trying to use
tftp to get files and update u-boot and the kernel in our AT91RM9200 system.
I used to have the file system with busybox on a nor flash and it would
crash out after transferring about 300k worth of a file (kernel is about 1.3
mb).  Because we had to move the file system to our nand flash, I didn't
debug it.  Now that it is on the nand flash, I get the following crash dump.
Is there anything that I need to setup in order for busybox to properly
write to the flash?

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

Start by sending smaller mails to mailing lists.

Is it NOMMU architechture?

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