busybox current status

Denis Vlasenko vda.linux at googlemail.com
Sun Jan 14 13:42:22 UTC 2007

I will be busy/unavailable for a few days, so here is
current status of busybox svn as I see it.


less: LOTS of improvements. Now can display binary files
(although I expect it to have trouble with Unicode displays).
Regexp search is not buggy anymore. Does not read
entire input up-front. Reads input as it appears (yay!).
Works rather nice as man pager. I recommend it for general use now.

e2fsprogs: thrown away. Some smaller parts remain, but most
of it sits disabled in e2fsprogs/old_e2fsprogs/*.
Can be brought back into tree only if sanitized & reduced in size.
fsck (generic driver part) IS in tree, but needs more work
to support fs detection, labels etc.

ipv6: generic support is in place, many networking applets are
upgraded to be ipv6 capable (mostly consisted of ripping out
sockaddr_in usage and replacing with len_and_sockaddr).

arp: new applet (thanks to "Eric Spakman" <E.Spakman at inter.nl.net>)

fakeidentd: non-forking standalone server part was taking ~90%
of the applet. Factored it out (in fact, rewrote it).

syslogd: mostly rewritten. Tested: eats gigabytes of streaming
input without newlines just fine.

decompress_unzip: experiment with switchable code
(can keep decompressor state in malloc'ed buffer
or in global data. On i386, malloc'ed buffer approach
gives smaller code).

gzip: sanitized a bit.

sed: better hadling of NULs

chown: user.grp works again

httpd: stop adding our own "Content-type:" to CGI output

minor bugfixes to: passwd, date, tftp, start_stop_daemon, tar,
ps, ifupdown, time, su, stty, awk, ping[6], sort,...

Hunted down few largish bss buffers.

To do:

* e2fsprogs: improve/test fsck driver
* stabilize networking prior to 1.4.0
* continue ipv6 work
* convert telnetd to isrv?
* shell: we still BADLY need a decent, bash-like shell
  NOFORK feature is dependent on this
* NOMMU: need audit of unnecessary fork() calls

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