Busybox build problem

Dick Streefland dick at streefland.net
Fri Feb 23 23:00:31 UTC 2007

On Friday 2007-02-02 23:14, Brion Finlay wrote:
| Alternatively, since awk is being invoked anyway, this line could be changed
| to just a single line awk invocation to do away with the sed, the grep, and
| the echo:
| awk '/^#? ?CONFIG_/ {gsub(/\"/,"\\\\\"",$0); print "\"" $0 "\\n\"";}'
| $config
| I tested this change under bash and dash and it also works in both shells.

I just ran into this dash/bash problem and (before I found this
discussion) worked around it by replacing the whole line by a single
sed invocation:

sed '/^#\? \?CONFIG/!d; s/"/\\"/g; s/.*/"&\\n"/' $config


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