Busybox build problem

Paul Fox pgf at brightstareng.com
Sat Feb 3 13:41:00 UTC 2007

vapier wrote:
 > On Saturday 03 February 2007, Brion Finlay wrote:
 > > The fix that could be made to scripts/mkconfigs in order to work more
 > > generally
 > another fix would be to use a POSIX compliant shell ... then there wouldnt
 > be problem
 > -mike

we had the same problem with a different build system when we
moved it to ubuntu.  i did some googling at the time, but
couldn't find a definitive answer -- i expected to find a lot of
discussion on it somewhere in ubuntu-land, since it's a pretty
big change, but i didn't.  it's not clear to me that dash isn't
posix compliant, at least with regard to echo's expanding '\n'. 
but it might not be.  is there a "dash is/isn't POSIX" discussion
page out there anywhere?

in our case it was expedient (and safe) to simply replace
"#!/bin/sh" with "#!/bin/bash", but that's probably not
appropriate for busybox.

 paul fox, pgf at brightstareng.com

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