An initial revision of "kill -l [exitstatus]"

Mats Erik Andersson mats.andersson64 at
Sat Apr 28 13:42:09 UTC 2007

Hi there,

let me return to the subject of "kill -l", as it is present
in an ash builtin and as an applet. Luciano M. F. Rocha had
an important point earlier on, when observing that the ash
builtin command must supply a functionality "kill -9 %1",
which the applet "kill" can never do. Therefore I have as a
first step, in response to Denis Vlasenko's challenge to
integrate the two kill commands into a single code,
concentrated on a partial task:

	1) Make a shared code for "kill -l [exitstatus]".

	2) Conform to all parts of SUSv3 for "kill -l [exitstatus]"

Both these are accomplished using the two attached files. They are not
intended to immediately be applied to the source tree, since they have
two macros

defined internally, but they are functional on my testing system
and they save 235 bytes, in addition to complying to SUSv3, which both
the earlier kill-instances fail to do. I would like comments on these
snippets. My implementation presently touches upon the files

	libbb/signallist.c    (new builtin/shared functionality)

Our earlier discussion on "kill -l exitstatus" did not properly fathom
what the standard intends with this. I have been studying this and
believe I know their intention. SUSv3 would like this functionality:

$ cat > /dev/null
$ echo "Died of SIG$(kill -l $?)"
Died of SIGINT

The actual value of "$?" is 130 when evaluated in the above situation.
My code correctly delivers this functionality, where both the previous
kill-instances aborted with an error, since 130 is not an allowed signal
in their implementation.

As a minimal extension on SUSv3, my code allows a bidirectional
conversion, where SUSv3 is uni-directional:

$ kill -l 3    # Required by SUSv3
$ kill -l QUIT

I hope to hear your views and criticism in due time.

Best regards,    Mats E Andersson
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