PATCH: ifupdown.c, udhcpc, and standalone shell

Denis Vlasenko vda.linux at
Wed Sep 27 23:33:57 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 27 September 2006 19:49, Gabriel L. Somlo wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 07:11:44PM +0200, Eric Spakman wrote:
> > That's an option, but it only works for the clients ifupdown has a 
> > definition included because of the specific client options. 
> Well, ifupdown.c has these strings hardcoded inside itself:
> "udhcpc -n -p /var/run/ -i %iface% [[-H %hostname%]] [[-c %clientid%]]"
> and
> "pump -i %iface% [[-h %hostname%]] [[-l %leasehours%]]"
> and so on.
> So, instead of hardcoding these inside a compiled binary, we could
> have ifupdown read one of them from a config file (like
> /etc/network/interfaces, where we add an option, call it dhcp-cmd-line).
> That way, there would no longer be a list of dhcp clients "blessed" by
> ifupdown, but instead the user gets to specify what they want, and
> from what location.

Yes, hardwired stuff like that is ugly.

> > It'a also different from the original version which can be 
> > problematic with ifupdown documentation on the net.
> Right, that's why I said I don't know what's politically corect or not
> from a Debian/ifupdown point of view, not being a user of Debian myself.

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