Busybox- No rule to make target ... Blkid error

KokHow.Teh at infineon.com KokHow.Teh at infineon.com
Mon Nov 13 01:25:47 UTC 2006


On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 03:58:48PM +0800, KokHow.Teh at infineon.com wrote:
>>	I just downloaded busybox- and encounter this error when 
>>building the source:

>Your version of make may be too old. You need 3.8x or later, IIRC.
>Please confirm,

My `make` version is 3.79.1. I take out all e2fsprogs applets and
busybox- builds without an error.
Upgrading `make` and its dependencies is a non-trivial job especially
when I am using RedHat 9.0 which is more than 3 years old. This should
be easier with Debian system since the package manager automatically
checks, downloads, upgrades and updates the dependencies for you....


>>make[1]: *** No rule to make target
>>`|/misc/tehkok/busybox-', needed by 
>>`/misc/tehkok/busybox-'.  Stop.
>>make: *** [_all] Error 2
>>[tehkok at linux01 busybox- 44]$
>>	Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.

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