[Patch] Add command ":wn" to vi-applet

Alexander Griesser alexander.griesser at lkh-vil.or.at
Fri Mar 24 05:48:56 UTC 2006

Paul Fox wrote:
>  > What does it do?
> thank you -- i thought maybe i was the only one in the dark

|| :[count]wn[ext] [++opt] [+cmd]
||            Write current file and start editing the [count]
||            next file.  Also see |++opt| and |+cmd|.  {not in Vi}

I often modify several files at once and after modifying I would
have to do


to get to the next file, so :wn is a shortcut for this, as all :w...
commands are, like :wq, :wq!, ...

At the first sight it looks difficult to write code, that does this
trick in an efficient manner without wasting too much precious bytes.

So after thinking about it, the patch for :wn isn't really necessary,
we would have to implement the "previuos" set of commands also a.s.o.

> if the goal is "small", maybe we should keep busybox vi to a traditional
> subset... 

I agree with this.
But I'll have a look about how to get a little bit more comfortable
version done, which lets you do some vim-thingys I really like and
make them optional.

> it's so imperfect, why try to embellish it?

Alexander Griesser (Netzwerkadministration)
E-Mail: alexander.griesser at lkh-vil.or.at | Web: http://www.lkh-vil.or.at
KABEG LKH Villach | Nikolaigasse 43 | 9500 Villach
Tel.:   +43 4242 208 3061 | Fax.:   +43 4242 971 3061

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