kill -1 behaviour

Devin Bayer devin at
Thu Mar 9 16:33:20 UTC 2006

On Mar 9, 2006, at 4:39, Robin Farine wrote:

> On Thursday March 9 2006 10:33, Giuseppe Ciotta wrote:
>> So the point is that ash currently forks when executing builtins
>> (in this case, kill) and this causes the shell to receive the
>> signal?
> Whether you use the kill built-in or the kill applet, you should be
> able to prevent your shell to be killed by doing
> 	trap : 15
> before you send the TERM signal.

But if you are sending a SIGKILL signal I think the only way is by  
using the killall5 program.  It isn't included in busybox, but  
essentially it does:

while [ 0$i -lt 40000 ]; do
	echo killing group $i;
	[ $i -eq $$ ] || kill -$i
	i=$(( $i + 1 ));

So it kills all the process groups except the current one.

Devin Bayer

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