Cross compiler problem.

Liangbing liangbing.coolice at
Sat Jul 22 02:29:53 UTC 2006

Hi all:
	I am a new comer. I downloaded the busybox few days ago to make some
tools for my rootfs. I found that it's OK when I didn't use any cross
compiler, but if I set my cross compiler to arm-elf- something went
	I'm using uClinux-dist 2.4.17 to compile the kernel with uClibc.
	I am now wondering that maybe there is some relation between the
uClinux kernel header files and the busybox. But I don't know how to set
this when compiling. 
	Is that I choiced the wrong cross compiler? How about the arm-uclibc-?
Or I didn't set the extra CFLAG options for the compiler?
	Thanks in advance.

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