Name Service Switch (NSS) for LDAP user authentication - possible?

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at
Thu Jan 26 17:28:41 UTC 2006

Wim Vinckier schrieb:


>>Change your /etc/nsswitch.conf so that it doesn't look in the LDAP
>>directory (and leave smb.conf "ldap" entries intact), and your users
>>will be no longer able to login (Samba won't find the system users).
>>So, now that we know now why it's needed for Samba, does anyone know how
>>to do something like that for busybox? :)
>>Tomasz Chmielewski
> I know, but it's not samba :-)
> I use this system to sync the passwords, the needed users are added locally.

Hmm? What's not Samba?
I didn't understand what you mean.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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