no shell prompt

Manju Mahajan manju at
Tue Jan 10 19:40:47 UTC 2006

 we are using
OS : linux 2.4.31
TARGET: powerpc405
dev platform : i386
boot : u-boot
cross-compiler : buildroot cross-compiler.
( selected 2.4.31 headers, binutils 2.16, gcc 3.4.2 version, no daily snapshot update)

version of busybox is 1.01

I am not able to get the shell prompt

I tried various things 
1. build busybox as static binary, still : no shell prompt
   ( packed this busybox with denx sample ramdisk)
2. Checked permissions on the binary all the executable.
3. disabled the tty1, tty2, tty3, and enabled ttyS0 with 9600 baud rate.: no prompt
Started adding debugs
1. in init.c , it is stuck in while loop, cleaning up the dead processes, (seems like, as soon /bin/sh is spawned it dies)
2, changed inittab to run other /bin/dmsg, it prints the output fine
3. added /bin/login , and i get 
uclibc login: root
uclibc login:

seems like login is also working but no shell prompt after this.

here is the inttab file

# /etc/inittab
# Copyright (C) 2001 Erik Andersen <andersen at>
# Note: BusyBox init doesn't support runlevels.  The runlevels field is
# completely ignored by BusyBox init. If you want runlevels, use
# sysvinit.
# Format for each entry: <id>:<runlevels>:<action>:<process>
# id        == tty to run on, or empty for /dev/console
# runlevels == ignored
# action    == one of sysinit, respawn, askfirst, wait, and once
# process   == program to run

# Startup the system
null::sysinit:/bin/mount -o remount,rw /
null::sysinit:/bin/mount -t proc proc /proc
null::sysinit:/bin/mount -a
null::sysinit:/bin/hostname -F /etc/hostname
null::sysinit:/sbin/ifconfig lo up
null::sysinit:/sbin/route add -net netmask lo
# now run any rc scripts

# Set up a couple of getty's
#tty1::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
#tty2::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2

# Put a getty on the serial port, RAY change to 9600
ttyS0::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100

# Logging junk
null::sysinit:/bin/touch /var/log/messages
null::respawn:/sbin/syslogd -n -m 0
null::respawn:/sbin/klogd -n
#tty3::respawn:/usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/messages

# Stuff to do for the 3-finger salute

# Stuff to do before rebooting
null::shutdown:/usr/bin/killall klogd
null::shutdown:/usr/bin/killall syslogd
null::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r
null::shutdown:/sbin/swapoff -a

( tried the busybox version 1.0 same problem)
Any help is highly appreciated


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