Screw it, 1.1.0 when I get back to Austin.

Rob Landley rob at
Mon Jan 2 06:49:01 UTC 2006

Ok, guys.

When I get back to Austin, I'm cutting a 1.1.0 release.  I'm not going to have 
time to do fix everything I want to out of the great bug list, but what else 
is new?  There will be a 1.1.1, and 1.0.1 has plenty of bugs that are already 
fixed in svn now and thus won't be in 1.1.0.

I won't be back in Austin before Thursday, so I won't be putting out the 
release before the 6th.  But I may not have that much time to work on it 
between now and then.  So I'm asking everybody: bug fixes only now, what are 
our show stoppers, that we can fix by Friday?

I spent most of today fiddling with the endless corner cases that are the 
mount command, and I'm going to try to get that untangled but I may just have 
to say "ok, -o remount, or combining -a with -t, just don't work the way they 
should right now, but they will in the next dot release".  Yes, we've got 
testcases that still fail.  (I should know, I added some for sed.)  Yes, 
we've got unclosed bugs in the bug generator.  But 1.1.0 has a lot of bugs 
from 1.0.1 fixed, and it's an improvement over what's out there.  Waiting for 
new bugs to stop being reported, and interesting new features to stop showing 
up, is not a winning strategy.

I meant to get a -pre release out before christmas, but I just haven't had any 
spare time at all for the past couple weeks.  I'm trying to get the project 
on a more regular release schedule, and the only way to do that is to 


P.S.  (I'm sorry, but the dns thing missed the window.  It's a candidate for 
1.1.1, but I haven't got time to play with it right now.  I'm currently 
aiming to get 1.1.1 out at the start of march, but that won't happen if 1.1.0 
hasn't shipped yet. :)

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