busybox current status

Denis Vlasenko vda.linux at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 3 09:30:20 UTC 2006

On Saturday 02 December 2006 23:36, Rob Landley wrote:
> > Roberto, I was looking into your patch busybox-20061130_sed.patch.
> > I have some problems with it.
> > 
> > Try to limit usage of static data.
> > 
> > Try to make code easier to understand. sed code is convoluted enough
> > already, have heart for poor souls (probably you, a year from now)
> > which will come later and will try to figure out how it works.
> When I started with busybox, the first thing I did was upgrade the sed that 
> was there to make it actually _work_ with the ./configure stages of binutils 
> and gcc.  (This took something like a month.)
> I never actually went back and redid the structure I'd inherited (my goal was 
> minimally intrustive changes), but for toybox I'm writing a new one.

I'm usually not rewriting stuff from scratch (maybe because I am lazy).

Will be happy to see/test/use your new code - it's usually both
very good and much smaller. Thank you for your work.

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