fixing leading space in 'bool " ' lines in files

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Mon Apr 10 21:08:19 UTC 2006

  while this is purely an aesthetic issue, i don't see the point of
the numerous instances of leading spaces in the "bool" lines in so
many files.  example lines:

	bool "ping"
        bool "  Enable fancy ping output"

there is no value to those leading spaces -- the menu generation
utility *already* indents to display the proper menu and submenu
structure.  those leading spaces actually just make a mess of things.

  i have a patch that will get rid of *all* of them so that all menus
have a uniform indentation of two spaces.  should i just email it
offline to someone?  it's 50K so there's little point in posting it to
the mailing list.


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