svn 14760 (new diff applet)

Michael S. Zick mszick at
Mon Apr 10 17:37:26 UTC 2006

On Mon April 10 2006 12:21, Rob Landley wrote:
> If that was the case, we would be in agreement, and common sense is not the 
> same as legally correct.
Written as if you have been burned a few times...
Why not two lines?  Just say what it is with credit,

This code <whatever>, authored by <whoever> is released 
under the GPL license, see full text <wherever>

Code has been derived in part from <original source>
written by <orginial author> released under the BSD

Or anything along those lines, the "derived in part"
should make it clear that it is different, while giving
appropriate acknowledgement of the original (and maybe
where to get it).

> Rob

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