svn 14760 (new diff applet)

Rob Sullivan cogito.ergo.cogito at
Fri Apr 7 08:13:46 UTC 2006

> Anybody want to opine on this?  I'm cc'ing the original author: can we just
> GPL this and drop the BSD boilerplate?  (Obviously, your name goes in the
> copyright holder's list in the boilerplate at the top...)
> Rob

I must admit, I was a little unsure myself when adding the licence to
the code. As long as Todd C. Miller is mentioned as one of the
copyright holders, I guess just having the short GPL boilerplate would
suffice, as it supersedes the BSD licence AFAIK.
Still, perhaps it would be good to clarify by changing:
* Mini diff implementation for busybox, adapted from OpenBSD diff.
to something like:
* Mini diff implementation for busybox, adapted from OpenBSD diff
(originally under BSD licence)

The OpenBSD people don't seem to mind other people taking their code
and using it under the GPL, in any case...


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