[re]Bug in busybox base applet?

Dirk Clemens develop at cle-mens.de
Thu Sep 1 08:30:10 UTC 2005

I would to anser to the message
of Rob. Because I have subscribed the list only a few minutes
ago I'm only able to post a new thread.

I have thougth about Robs remarks and have 2 solutions:

busybox knows allways all possible applets it may support.
All calls with non implemented applet names generates an
error message: "applet xxx is not compiled into busybox".

A more restrictive solution:

The main busybox applet is only called, when the name begins
with 'busybox'. Because of this, busybox names like 'busybox1'
or 'busybox-new' works well and we have not unwanted results
if busybox called with something like 'ls rm -r /'.

I prefer the second one.


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