[BusyBox] The pidof patch from the bug thing.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Tue Jun 7 02:37:06 UTC 2005

On Sunday 05 June 2005 06:48 am, Bernhard Fischer wrote:

> Wrt SINGLE ifdef: I thought to let the user decide whether -s was wanted
> or not (same with -o) in order not to add functionality one might not
> want to have compiled in unconditionally.
> I was not aware that it is generally not desired to make code conditional
> if it only adds an unspecified amount of bytes to busybox. If so, please
> let me know what percentage / number of bytes are the margin,
> approximately.

It's a judgement call.  Each config option is a complexity cost, everybody who 
builds this thing has to figure out what it means and whether or not they 
want it.  The size in bytes is also a cost.  A config option to save 20 bytes 
probably isn't worth it.  A config option to save 1000 bytes definitiely is.  
In between...

Generally if we're going to have a config option for something at all, I tend 
to lean towards "big full-featured version" and "small, simplistic version".

In this case, if you have -o enabled then the overhead of -s is two if 
statements, a help entry, and one more option parse.  (Definitely not worth a 
config entry.)  If you want -s without -o you can always cheese your way to 
it. (You don't even need awk: for i in `pidof $1`; do echo $i; break; done )

So grouping those together makes sense to me...

> Wrt _..COMPL: They are prepended with an underscore to express that
> they are only private helpers. Regarding the concatenation: yes, i'm
> aware of that. Purpose is to build up a single string depending on which
> features are enabled.
> Where should bb_err_msg_and_die() be used? If you are referring to the
> "illegal omit pid value" then i thought that warning about this should
> not be necessary but would only make the object file bigger for no real
> gain.

I was thinking:

} else { fprintf(stderr, "illegal omit pid value (%s)!\n",
+                                                       omits_p->data); 
bb_show_usage(); */
+                       }

But I have to read through the logic more closely when I have the combination 
of time and energy.  (Eyes aren't focusing that well right now.  Long day.)


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