[BusyBox] udhp/dhcpd.c (lost/rejected) patch

Paul Fox pgf at brightstareng.com
Mon Dec 20 15:53:11 UTC 2004

 > > Even though I've never observed udhcpd crashing, this
 > > patch affords the comfort of knowing that init will
 > > respawn udhcpd if this unlikely event does occur.
 > Wouldn't it just be much easier then to start udhcpd from an init.d
 > style script?

i'm surprised at the pushback being given to this trivial feature --
one which may help increase overall reliability of an embedded
system.  it sounds like people think that if dhcp dies, perhaps
because of a latent bug in its underlying libraries, that it's
really better that it stay dead rather than be restarted.  it's
all very well to say "the bug should be fixed", but in the
meantime someone's little embedded box on a shelf somewhere isn't
functioning correctly, and is waiting for them to power-cycle it.

 paul fox, pgf at brightstareng.com

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