[BusyBox] Bug in login of 1.0.0-rc2

Matthias Auchmann matthias.auchmann at artech.at
Fri Aug 6 16:44:26 UTC 2004

Hi all!
I'm new to busybox, I downloaded it today and used it for the first
time, so please ignore the bug I'm reporting if it is already fixed:
I observed that after logging in with a wrong PW and doing nothing for a
while afterwards, the following happens:
emblinux login: root
Login incorrect
emblinux login:
Login timed out after 60 seconds.
The problem is that the alarm-handler is not reset after a login
The fix is easy, I just added the following 2 lines after the
puts-Command in login.c
puts("Login incorrect");
alarmstarted = 0;   /* AUCHI-MOD: reset flag */
alarm ( 0 );    /* AUCHI-MOD: disable alarm. Otherwise, we get a "Login
timed out after..." message altough there's no login in progress any
more */
Matthias Auchmann
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