[BusyBox] Problems.

Matt Hanna matt.hanna at saabsystems.com.au
Thu Jun 19 02:24:42 UTC 2003

Hi All,

I am wondering if anyone can shed light on on issues - - My outcome is to have a linux system running booting from a floppy and using /dev/ram0 as /. I have a kernel on 1 disk, and the root system on another for the sake of troubleshooting. I have correctly installed the busybox files and issued the 'make PREFIX=/path install' to have it do all the links. I also have the libs to support busybox (I can chroot . sh and do everything with it). 

The kernel starts, asks for the second disk, then mounts the compressed filesystem found on block 0 of the second as ext2 with is correct, then dies saying 'kernel panic: no init found. try passing init= . . . . etc'. 

I am sure that you all have heard that one a million times before, as I have scowered the mailing list archives. Some information is 2.4.19 kernel, busybox 0.60.3, pretty standard hardware. I can confirm that /sbin/init is where it should be, and that there aren't any extra directories above that shouldn't be there. Permissions are good. I am using the inittab file provided by busybox distro.

I have a few things that I think i could be doing wrong . . . . .

Compressing the root fs __ dd if=filesystem | gzip -v9 > rootfs.gz
series of rdevs for kernel disk __ rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/fd0 + rdev -R /dev/fd0 0 + rdev -r /dev/fd0 value
a problem with /etc/fstab file in the filesystem - - Completely unsure what that should look like, but assume
/	/dev/ram0	ext2	defaults 	1	1
/proc	/proc		proc	defaults		1	1

If anyone could help, that would be great, better yet, if someone could direct me to some good reading, even better !!

Thank you all in advanced.

PS: I have thoroughly read the boot disk how-to, and could use other documents similar.

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