[BusyBox] off topic: 'device table support' for mkcramfs?

Erik Andersen andersen at codepoet.org
Fri May 3 09:17:03 UTC 2002

On Fri May 03, 2002 at 03:57:55PM +0200, Jonas Holmberg wrote:
> > not that I know of...  Adding it to genext2fs was pretty
> > easy, but for jffs2 I had to largely rewrite mkfs.jffs2,
> A patch for metafiles has been submitted to mkcramfs:
> <http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0204.3/0736.html>
> And here's the documentation for it:
> <http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0204.3/0738.html>
> In addition to making device-files metafiles makes it possible to set
> user and group ids (recursively as well) and ignore files and
> directories.

All of us embedded folks should decide on the One True Way(tm)
and get all these patches standardized, so that one can use the
exact same options and config file across all the various mkfs
tools, and get the expected result.   As is, we have seem to be
creating one incompatible way of doing the same thing per mkfs
tool, which is a bit silly.

Am I correct in understanding that your metafiles are used the
same was as the device_table support I added when I rewrote 
mkfs.jffs2, but merely differ in syntax?  Can you show me some
examples of their usage?


Erik B. Andersen             http://codepoet-consulting.com/
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