Marcelo Pereira gandalf_mp at yahoo.com.br
Mon Aug 26 05:15:04 UTC 2002

Hi everybody, hi Erik,

I have been using BusyBox+TinyLogin and it has been
really usefull, but I am in troubles to make
init+login running, maybe a bad inittab file.

Well, I have been using init from BusyBox and
login+getty from TinyLogin, the inittab file is from
RedHad distribution and my passwd and shadow entries
was generated by adduser+passwd from TinyLogin.

When I try to login, the issue is showed, so I write
the username and hit <ENTER>, but there is no ask for
password and, some seconds later, the message `Login
Incorrect'' is showed.

Here is my inittab, passwd and shadow entries:

1:1234:respawn:/bin/getty 9600 tty1
2:1234:respawn:/bin/getty 9600 tty2
3:1234:respawn:/bin/getty 9600 tty3
4:1234:respawn:/bin/getty 9600 tty4

meriadoc:x:504:504:Linux User,,,:/:/bin/sh


Can you tell me a default usage?? I am really in
troubles to login!!

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards,

Marcelo Pereira
Univ. Estad. Campinas

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