[BusyBox] ash variable dereference

Rolland Dudemaine rolland.dudemaine at msg-software.com
Thu Aug 8 08:43:03 UTC 2002

Hello there,

I have two separated questions :

1) Is there a way to do a double dereferencing of variables (like {!$a} 
in bash) in ash :
example :
# i is a value iterated
# v will contain the name of the variable to dereference
# this is working in both bash and ash, but is darn slow
result=`sh -c 'echo -n $'"$v"`

I have not found another way to do that, and when checking a dozens 
values, it is becoming to take some time launching as many shells as 

2) busybox'sed is limited to numbers for a, i and c commands. Is there 
still a way to use a command to append a line at the end of a file, like in
//end of file

Keep up the good work guys !!!

Best regards,
Rolland Dudemaine

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