[BusyBox] hush progress

Larry Doolittle ldoolitt at recycle.lbl.gov
Wed May 2 12:50:12 UTC 2001

Matt discovered:
> The problem is that the $(...) and `...` operators do not strip
> the trailing newline.
> I just committed a patch to fix this.  It will only process the
> newline as a command separator if the end_trigger is not '\0'.
> This fixes the above case, and I believe some problems with $
> substitutions as well.

Cool.  Looks good so far.  Erik kept telling me it would be helpful
to have hush put in CVS.  I see now he was right!

My next test cases _sort_of_ work:

$ echo THIS IS A TEST >foo
$ cat foo | if true; then tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'; else echo bar; fi
this is a test
sh: tcsetpgrp: Invalid argument
sh: waitpid: Invalid argument
$ cat foo | if false; then tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'; else echo bar; fi
sh: tcsetpgrp: Invalid argument
sh: waitpid: Invalid argument
$ if true; then tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'; else echo bar; fi <foo
this is a test
sh: waitpid: Inappropriate ioctl for device
$ if false; then tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'; else echo bar; fi <foo     
sh: waitpid: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Does this start to interact with Erik's job control work?

      - Larry

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