[BusyBox] qsh pqrser for ,qth

Aaron Lehmann aaronl at vitelus.com
Sun Jul 15 11:00:54 UTC 2001

On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 10:16:26AM -0600, Erik Andersen wrote:
> On Wed Jul 11, 2001 at 08:57:50AM -0700, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
> > Hi::: I?m in an internet cqf? in frqnce qnd I dont knoz hoz to use the
> > keyboqrd::: but i?ve zriten q pqrser for qsh qnd i think it should
> > zork fine: it?s hqndzriten; so sit tight qnd i?ll send it in q fez
> > zeeks: sorry for the delqy qnbd the typing:

In paris the keyboards seems better.

I think I've ironed out all the issues in my handwriten code, but I
don't have time to type it up. The only thing I'm not sure about is
whether the compiler will produce better code on a switch statement or
a bunch of ifs -- and whether the binary will become smaller if I omit
the 'else's in the 'else if's.

Sorry to keep everybody waiting. The parser supports order of
operations, parens, and all the operators from ash. I even ironed out
some situations that were special cases -- Unary minus vs. binary
minus, making sure that 5/2*2 evals to 4 and not 1( basically
supporting equivilent procedences for operators), and allowing
multiple unary operators in a row. The code looks quite promising and
I can't wait to share it.

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