[BusyBox] BusyBox / Netkit-Tiny / TinyLogin status...?

Erik Andersen andersen at lineo.com
Tue Feb 27 20:51:34 UTC 2001

On Tue Feb 27, 2001 at 05:59:49PM +0200, Tomi Ollila wrote:
> The source size is 11898 bytes, and when compiled in RH7 system w/
> following command line:  gcc -s -O2 -o telnetd axis_telnetd.c 
> produces binary size of 6620 bytes.
> If the source interest you, I can send it as a private e-mail. So I don't
> spend 5400 bytes (compressed and base64'd source) extra on this e-mail ;)

Yes this is very interesting.  Hmm.  Was it Dave Cinege?  I seem
to recall getting a patch from him while I was out of the country
and I think I must have lost it.  

Sure, send the code directly to me and (assuming there are no major issues) 
I'll be glad to include it.


Erik B. Andersen   email:  andersen at lineo.com
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