Dropbear in busybox

Rushi Lala rushi.lala at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 20:44:19 UTC 2005

Hi List,
I have recently used busybox with dropbear. I feel need to add a sshd in 
busy box and nothing can get better then including a dropbear in next 
release of busybox.

I would like to know if some one has already started work in this 
direction as i am thinking to start this addition to great busybox.

A menu on networking with options to include
Also option for password authentication or key encryption + password 
based authentication.
As every one knows Dropbear works with glibc and ulibc it can be quite 
good utility for busybox to have.

I would really appreciate If i have your views on this  before i start 
any work on this.



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