[Buildroot] [PATCH 06/10] support/scripts/cpedb.py: new CPE XML helper

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at bootlin.com
Thu Jan 7 13:39:43 UTC 2021

From: Matt Weber <matthew.weber at rockwellcollins.com>

Python class which consumes a NIST CPE XML and provides helper
functions to access and search the db's data.

 - Defines the CPE as a object with operations / formats
 - Processing of CPE dictionary

Signed-off-by: Matthew Weber <matthew.weber at rockwellcollins.com>
Co-Developed-by: Grégory Clement <gregory.clement at bootlin.com>
Co-Developed-by: Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni at bootlin.com>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni at bootlin.com>
 support/scripts/cpedb.py | 193 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 193 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 support/scripts/cpedb.py

diff --git a/support/scripts/cpedb.py b/support/scripts/cpedb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87b171e5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/scripts/cpedb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement
+import gzip
+import os
+import pickle
+import requests
+import time
+import re
+from xml.dom import minidom
+CPEDB_URL = "https://static.nvd.nist.gov/feeds/xml/cpe/dictionary/official-cpe-dictionary_v2.3.xml.gz"
+    'xmlns:cpe-23="http://scap.nist.gov/schema/cpe-extension/2.3" ' \
+    'xmlns:ns6="http://scap.nist.gov/schema/scap-core/0.1" ' \
+    'xmlns="http://cpe.mitre.org/dictionary/2.0" ' \
+    'xmlns:scap-core="http://scap.nist.gov/schema/scap-core/0.3" ' \
+    'xmlns:config="http://scap.nist.gov/schema/configuration/0.1" ' \
+    'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ' \
+    'xmlns:meta="http://scap.nist.gov/schema/cpe-dictionary-metadata/0.2" ' \
+    'xsi:schemaLocation="http://scap.nist.gov/schema/cpe-extension/2.3 https://scap.nist.gov/schema/cpe/2.3/cpe-dictionary-extension_2.3.xsd http://cpe.mitre.org/dictionary/2.0 https://scap.nist.gov/schema/cpe/2.3/cpe-dictionary_2.3.xsd http://scap.nist.gov/schema/cpe-dictionary-metadata/0.2 https://scap.nist.gov/schema/cpe/2.1/cpe-dictionary-metadata_0.2.xsd http://scap.nist.gov/schema/scap-core/0.3 https://scap.nist.gov/schema/nvd/scap-core_0.3.xsd http://scap.nist.gov/schema/configuration/0.1 https://scap.nist.gov/schema/nvd/configuration_0.1.xsd http://scap.nist.gov/schema/scap-core/0.1 https://scap.nist.gov/schema/nvd/scap-core_0.1.xsd"' # noqa E501
+ns = {
+    '': 'http://cpe.mitre.org/dictionary/2.0',
+    'cpe-23': 'http://scap.nist.gov/schema/cpe-extension/2.3',
+    'xml': 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'
+class CPE:
+    def __init__(self, cpe_str, titles, refs):
+        self.cpe_str = cpe_str
+        self.titles = titles
+        self.references = refs
+        self.cpe_cur_ver = "".join(self.cpe_str.split(":")[5:6])
+    def update_xml_dict(self):
+        ET.register_namespace('', 'http://cpe.mitre.org/dictionary/2.0')
+        cpes = Element('cpe-list')
+        item = SubElement(cpes, 'cpe-item')
+        cpe_short_name = CPE.short_name(self.cpe_str)
+        cpe_new_ver = CPE.version_update(self.cpe_str)
+        item.set('name', 'cpe:/' + cpe_short_name)
+        self.titles[0].text.replace(self.cpe_cur_ver, cpe_new_ver)
+        for title in self.titles:
+            item.append(title)
+        if self.references:
+            item.append(self.references)
+        cpe23item = SubElement(item, 'cpe-23:cpe23-item')
+        cpe23item.set('name', self.cpe_str)
+        # Generate the XML as a string
+        xmlstr = ET.tostring(cpes, encoding="utf-8").decode("utf-8")
+        # Inject the correct namespace value
+        xmlstr = re.sub('xmlns=\"http://cpe.mitre.org/dictionary/2.0\"', CPE_XMLNS, xmlstr)
+        # And use minidom to pretty print the XML
+        return minidom.parseString(xmlstr).toprettyxml()
+    @staticmethod
+    def version(cpe):
+        return cpe.split(":")[5]
+    @staticmethod
+    def product(cpe):
+        return cpe.split(":")[4]
+    @staticmethod
+    def short_name(cpe):
+        return ":".join(cpe.split(":")[2:6])
+    @staticmethod
+    def version_update(cpe):
+        return ":".join(cpe.split(":")[5:6])
+    @staticmethod
+    def no_version(cpe):
+        return ":".join(cpe.split(":")[:5])
+class CPEDB:
+    def __init__(self, nvd_path):
+        self.all_cpes = dict()
+        self.all_cpes_no_version = dict()
+        self.nvd_path = nvd_path
+    def gen_cached_cpedb(self, cpedb, cache_all_cpes, cache_all_cpes_no_version):
+        print("CPE: Unzipping xml manifest...")
+        nist_cpe_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=open(cpedb, 'rb'))
+        print("CPE: Converting xml manifest to dict...")
+        tree = ET.parse(nist_cpe_file)
+        all_cpedb = tree.getroot()
+        self.parse_dict(all_cpedb)
+        print("CPE: Caching dictionary")
+        cpes_file = open(cache_all_cpes, 'wb')
+        pickle.dump(self.all_cpes, cpes_file)
+        cpes_file.close()
+        cpes_file = open(cache_all_cpes_no_version, 'wb')
+        pickle.dump(self.all_cpes_no_version, cpes_file)
+        cpes_file.close()
+    def get_xml_dict(self):
+        print("CPE: Setting up NIST dictionary")
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.nvd_path, "cpe")):
+            os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.nvd_path, "cpe"))
+        cpe_dict_local = os.path.join(self.nvd_path, "cpe", os.path.basename(CPEDB_URL))
+        if not os.path.exists(cpe_dict_local) or os.stat(cpe_dict_local).st_mtime < time.time() - 86400:
+            print("CPE: Fetching xml manifest from [" + CPEDB_URL + "]")
+            cpe_dict = requests.get(CPEDB_URL)
+            open(cpe_dict_local, "wb").write(cpe_dict.content)
+        cache_all_cpes = os.path.join(self.nvd_path, "cpe", "all_cpes.pkl")
+        cache_all_cpes_no_version = os.path.join(self.nvd_path, "cpe", "all_cpes_no_version.pkl")
+        if not os.path.exists(cache_all_cpes) or \
+           not os.path.exists(cache_all_cpes_no_version) or \
+           os.stat(cache_all_cpes).st_mtime < os.stat(cpe_dict_local).st_mtime or \
+           os.stat(cache_all_cpes_no_version).st_mtime < os.stat(cpe_dict_local).st_mtime:
+            self.gen_cached_cpedb(cpe_dict_local,
+                                  cache_all_cpes,
+                                  cache_all_cpes_no_version)
+        print("CPE: Loading CACHED dictionary")
+        cpe_file = open(cache_all_cpes, 'rb')
+        self.all_cpes = pickle.load(cpe_file)
+        cpe_file.close()
+        cpe_file = open(cache_all_cpes_no_version, 'rb')
+        self.all_cpes_no_version = pickle.load(cpe_file)
+        cpe_file.close()
+    def parse_dict(self, all_cpedb):
+        # Cycle through the dict and build two dict to be used for custom
+        # lookups of partial and complete CPE objects
+        # The objects are then used to create new proposed XML updates if
+        # if is determined one is required
+        # Out of the different language titles, select English
+        for cpe in all_cpedb.findall(".//cpe-item", ns):
+            cpe_titles = [title for title in cpe.findall('.//title[@xml:lang="en-US"]', ns)]
+            # Some older CPE don't include references, if they do, make
+            # sure we handle the case of one ref needing to be packed
+            # in a list
+            cpe_ref = cpe.find(".//{*}references")
+            if cpe_ref:
+                for ref in cpe_ref.findall(".//{*}reference"):
+                    ref.text = ref.text.upper()
+                    if ref.text not in VALID_REFS:
+                        ref.text = ref.text + "-- UPDATE this entry, here are some examples and just one word should be used -- " + ' '.join(VALID_REFS) # noqa E501
+            cpe_str = cpe.find(".//{*}cpe23-item").get('name')
+            item = CPE(cpe_str, cpe_titles, cpe_ref)
+            cpe_str_no_version = CPE.no_version(cpe_str)
+            # This dict must have a unique key for every CPE version
+            # which allows matching to the specific obj data of that
+            # NIST dict entry
+            self.all_cpes.update({cpe_str: item})
+            # This dict has one entry for every CPE (w/o version) to allow
+            # partial match (no valid version) check (the obj is saved and
+            # used as seed for suggested xml updates. By updating the same
+            # non-version'd entry, it assumes the last update here is the
+            # latest version in the NIST dict)
+            self.all_cpes_no_version.update({cpe_str_no_version: item})
+    def find_partial(self, cpe_str):
+        cpe_str_no_version = CPE.no_version(cpe_str)
+        if cpe_str_no_version in self.all_cpes_no_version:
+            return cpe_str_no_version
+    def find_partial_obj(self, cpe_str):
+        cpe_str_no_version = CPE.no_version(cpe_str)
+        if cpe_str_no_version in self.all_cpes_no_version:
+            return self.all_cpes_no_version[cpe_str_no_version]
+    def find_partial_latest_version(self, cpe_str_partial):
+        cpe_obj = self.find_partial_obj(cpe_str_partial)
+        return cpe_obj.cpe_cur_ver
+    def find(self, cpe_str):
+        if self.find_partial(cpe_str):
+            if cpe_str in self.all_cpes:
+                return cpe_str
+    def gen_update_xml(self, cpe_str):
+        cpe = self.find_partial_obj(cpe_str)
+        return cpe.update_xml_dict()

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