[Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] package/kmsxx: update to latest

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Sun Aug 8 20:33:51 UTC 2021

Tomi, All,

On 2021-08-08 21:12 +0300, Tomi Valkeinen spake thusly:
> On 08/08/2021 12:29, Yann E. MORIN wrote:
> >On 2021-08-06 15:50 +0300, Tomi Valkeinen spake thusly:
> >>We can drop all the patches as they have been sorted out in upstream.
> >>-	-Domap=disabled \
> >>-	-Duse-system-fmt=true \
> >>-	-Duse-system-pybind11=true
> >Those options have been dropped upstream. Does that mean that they now
> >always use a system-provided fmt and pybind11, or that they always use
> >their bundled versions?
> >Applied to next, with the above changes. Thanks.
> Actually, looks like I messed up a bit. I was probably a bit tired on
> Friday...

It seems I too was probably off my shoes: I initially missed that
use-system-fmt was added by one of the patches we had.

Oh, I just realised you are the upstream. Great, thanks for keeping
kmsxx up-to-date in Buildroot! 👍

> - I didn't push kms++ 824bbb1f4cd062d66b457faca50f904b34dfd96c to master
> branch. But it's in 'travis' branch, so it's available for fetching.

I see it's in master now.

> - I dropped both system-fmt and system-pybind11 options, as they didn't seem
> necessary [*]. However, I forgot to remove system-pybind11 from
> meson_options.txt, even if it's not used anywhere.

Ah, I only looked at meson_options.txt.

> - My patch descriptions were shamefully terse. Sorry about that.

Usually, a version bump does not need much explanations, so your commit
log would have been pretty OK. But when options get removed, it's nice
to have a little blurb about it, if just to acknowledge the removal was

>  Tomi
> [*] For fmt, I didn't see a need for using meson subproject at all, as fmt
> seems to be available "everywhere", and afaics it's been quite stable. For
> pybind11, I still like to keep the option for meson subproject to easily
> test/use specific versions. However, this doesn't need an option in
> meson-option.txt, as the behavior of the fallback-to-subproject can be
> managed with meson commandline options. Also, if 'pykms' option is set to
> disabled, pybind11 is skipped also.

The thing is, if pybind11 is not available in the system, then kmsxx
will build its bundled version when pykms is enabled.

So, by forcibly disabling pykms in Buildroot, this means that pybind11
is not needed and thus the bundled version is not built.

I am by far not a meson expert, so when you say "the fallback-to-subproject
can be managed with meson commandline options", I'd be much interested
in hos to do that, so that in Buildrot we know how to forcibly forbid
bundled sub-projects (or wraps?) to be used...

Thanks afain for your patches! :-)

Yann E. MORIN.

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