[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/3] scanpypi.py: new utility

Denis THULIN denis.thulin at openwide.fr
Mon Jun 15 10:06:03 UTC 2015

Signed-off-by: Denis THULIN <denis.thulin at openwide.fr>
v0: initial commit
 python-pacakage-generator.py is an utility for automatically generating a
 python package. It fetches packages info from http://pypi.python.org and
 generates corresponding packages files.

 - renamed python-package-generator to scanpypi
 - split the huge script into a lot of functions
 - fixed mistakes and small bugs

I did not know where to put the script so I put it in support/scripts.
I have updated the python-package section of the manual as well.

Signed-off-by: Denis THULIN <denis.thulin at openwide.fr>
 docs/manual/adding-packages-python.txt |  36 ++
 support/scripts/scanpypi.py            | 607 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 643 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 support/scripts/scanpypi.py

diff --git a/docs/manual/adding-packages-python.txt b/docs/manual/adding-packages-python.txt
index f81d625..647cb67 100644
--- a/docs/manual/adding-packages-python.txt
+++ b/docs/manual/adding-packages-python.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,42 @@ This infrastructure applies to Python packages that use the standard
 Python setuptools mechanism as their build system, generally
 recognizable by the usage of a +setup.py+ script.
+==== generating a +python-package+ from a pypi repository
+You may want to use the +scanpypi.py+ located in
++support/script+ to generate a package from an existing pypi(pip) package.
+you can find the list of existing pypi package here: (https://pypi.python.org).
+Please keep in mind that you most likely need 
+to manually check the package for any mistakes
+as there are things that cannot be guessed by the generator (e.g. 
+dependencies on any of the python core modules 
+When at the root of your buildroot directory just do :
+./support/script/scanpypi.py foo bar -o package
+This will generate packages +python-foo+ and +python-bar+ in the package
+folder if they exist on https://pypi.python.org.
+You will need to manually write the path to the package inside 
+the +package/Config.in+ file:
+Find the +external python modules+ menu and insert your package inside.
+Keep in mind that the items inside a menu should be in alphabetical order.
+Option +-h+ wil list the options available
+./support/script/scanpypi.py -h
 ==== +python-package+ tutorial
diff --git a/support/scripts/scanpypi.py b/support/scripts/scanpypi.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..953f8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/scripts/scanpypi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+Utility for building buildroot packages for existing pypi packages
+Any package built by scanpypi should be manually checked for
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import json
+import urllib2
+import sys
+import os
+import shutil
+import StringIO
+import tarfile
+import errno
+import hashlib
+import re
+import magic
+import tempfile
+from functools import wraps
+# private global
+_calls = {}
+def setup_info(pkg_name):
+    """Get a package info from _calls
+    Keyword arguments:
+    pkg_name -- the name of the package
+    """
+    return _calls[pkg_name]
+def setup_decorator(func, method):
+    """
+    Decorator for distutils.core.setup and setuptools.setup.
+    Puts the args of setup as a dict inside global private dict _calls.
+    Add key 'method' which should be either 'setuptools' or 'distutils'.
+    Keyword arguments:
+    func -- either setuptools.setup or distutils.core.setup
+    method -- either 'setuptools' or 'distutils'
+    """
+    @wraps(func)
+    def closure(*args, **kwargs):
+        _calls[kwargs['name']] = kwargs
+        _calls[kwargs['name']]['method'] = method
+    return closure
+# monkey patch
+import setuptools
+setuptools.setup = setup_decorator(setuptools.setup, 'setuptools')
+import distutils
+distutils.core.setup = setup_decorator(setuptools.setup, 'distutils')
+def find_file_upper_case(filenames, path='./'):
+    """
+    List generator:
+    Recursively find files that matches one of the specified filenames.
+    Returns absolute path
+    Keyword arguments:
+    filenames -- List of filenames to be found
+    path -- Path to the directory to search
+    """
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
+        for file in files:
+            if file.upper() in filenames:
+                yield (os.path.join(root, file))
+def pkg_buildroot_name(pkg_name):
+    """
+    Returns name to avoid troublesome characters.
+    Remove all non alphanumeric characters except -
+    Also lowers the name
+    Keyword arguments:
+    pkg_name -- String to rename
+    """
+    name = re.sub('[^\w-]', '', pkg_name.lower())
+    name = re.sub('^python-', '', name)
+    return name
+def find_setup(package_name, version, archive):
+    """
+    Search for setup.py file in an archive and returns True if found
+    Used for finding the correct path to the setup.py
+    Keyword arguments:
+    package_name -- base name of the package to search (e.g. Flask)
+    version -- version of the package to search (e.g. 0.8.1)
+    archive -- tar archive to search in
+    """
+    try:
+        archive.getmember('{name}-{version}/setup.py'.format(
+            name=package_name,
+            version=version))
+    except KeyError:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def fetch_package_info(pkg_name):
+    """
+    Fetch a package's metadata for the python package index
+    Keyword arguments:
+    pkg_name -- the name of the package
+    """
+    url = 'https://pypi.python.org/pypi/{pkg}/json'.format(
+        pkg=pkg_name)
+    print('URL:', url)
+    try:
+        pkg_json = urllib2.urlopen(url).read().decode()
+    except (urllib2.HTTPError) as error:
+        print('ERROR:', error.getcode(), error.msg, file=sys.stderr)
+        print('ERROR: Could not find package {pkg}.\n'
+              'Check syntax inside the python package index:\n'
+              'https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ '.format(pkg=pkg_name))
+        return None, None
+    except urllib2.URLError:
+        print('ERROR: Could not find package {pkg}.\n'
+              'Check syntax inside the python package index:\n'
+              'https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ '.format(pkg=pkg_name))
+        return None, None
+    else:
+        return pkg_json, url
+def download_package(package):
+    """
+    Download a package using metadata from pypi
+    Keyword arguments:
+    package -- a dictionary containing info from the pypi json api
+    """
+    try:
+        targz = package['urls'][0]['filename']
+    except IndexError:
+        print(
+            'Non conventional package, ',
+            'please check manually after creation')
+        download_url = package['info']['download_url']
+        try:
+            download = urllib2.urlopen(download_url)
+        except urllib2.HTTPError:
+            targz = None
+            download = None
+            as_file = None
+            used_url = None
+        else:
+            used_url = {'url': download_url}
+            as_file = StringIO.StringIO(download.read())
+            as_file.seek(0)
+            extension = 'tar.gz'
+            if 'gzip' not in magic.from_buffer(as_file.read()):
+                extension = 'tar.bz2'
+            targz = '{name}-{version}.{extension}'.format(
+                name=package['info']['name'],
+                version=package['info']['version'], extension=extension)
+            as_file.seek(0)
+            used_url['filename'] = targz
+    else:
+        for download_url in package['urls']:
+            try:
+                download = urllib2.urlopen(download_url['url'])
+            except urllib2.HTTPError:
+                targz = None
+                download = None
+                as_file = None
+                used_url = None
+            else:
+                used_url = download_url
+                as_file = StringIO.StringIO(download.read())
+                md5_sum = hashlib.md5(as_file.read()).hexdigest()
+                if md5_sum == download_url['md5_digest']:
+                    break
+                targz = used_url['filename']
+    return download, targz, used_url, as_file
+def extract_package(pkg_name, as_file, tmp_path):
+    """
+    Create folders used for extracting a package as file object and extract it
+    pkg_name -- name of the package to be extracted
+    as_file -- file object to extract
+    tmp_path -- folder where you want the package to be extracted
+    """
+    as_file.seek(0)
+    as_tarfile = tarfile.open(fileobj=as_file)
+    tmp_pkg = '/'.join([tmp_path, pkg_name])
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(tmp_pkg)
+    except OSError as exception:
+        if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+            print("ERROR: ", exception.message, file=sys.stderr)
+            return None, None
+        print('WARNING:', exception.message, file=sys.stderr)
+        print('Removing {pkg}...'.format(pkg=tmp_pkg))
+        shutil.rmtree(tmp_pkg)
+        os.makedirs(tmp_pkg)
+    version = package['info']['version']
+    tar_folder = package['info']['name']
+    if not find_setup(tar_folder, version, as_tarfile):
+        return None, None
+    as_tarfile.extractall(tmp_pkg)
+    as_tarfile.close()
+    as_file.close()
+    tmp_extract = '{folder}/{name}-{version}'.format(
+        folder=tmp_pkg,
+        name=tar_folder,
+        version=package['info']['version'])
+    return tar_folder, tmp_extract
+def get_requirements(package_name):
+    """
+    Retrieve dependencies of from a metadata found in the setup.py script of
+    a pypi package.
+    Keyword Arguments:
+    package_name -- name of the package found in the pypi metadata of the
+                    package.
+    """
+    pkg_req = setup_info(package_name)['install_requires']
+    pkg_req = [re.sub('([\w-]+)[><=]*.*', r'\1', req).lower()
+               for req in pkg_req]
+    pkg_req = map(pkg_buildroot_name, pkg_req)
+    req_not_found = [
+        pkg for pkg in pkg_req
+        if 'python-{name}'.format(name=pkg)
+        not in os.listdir(pkg_folder)
+    ]
+    req_not_found = [pkg for pkg in req_not_found
+                     if pkg not in packages]
+    if (req_not_found) != 0:
+        print(
+            'Error: could not find packages \'{packages}\''
+            'required by {current_package}'.format(
+                packages=", ".join(req_not_found),
+                current_package=pkg_name))
+    return pkg_req
+def create_mk_header(pkg_name):
+    """
+    Create the header of the <package_name>.mk file
+    Keyword arguments:
+    pkg_name -- name of the package
+    """
+    header = ['#' * 80 + '\n']
+    header.append('#\n')
+    header.append('# python-{name}\n'.format(name=pkg_name))
+    header.append('#\n')
+    header.append('#' * 80 + '\n')
+    header.append('\n')
+    return header
+def create_mk_download_info(pkg_name, version, targz, url):
+    """
+    Create the lines refering to the download information of the
+    <package_name>.mk file
+    Keyword arguments:
+    pkg_name -- name of the package
+    version -- version of the package
+    targz -- name of the archive corresponding to the package
+    url -- url to be used for downloading the package
+    """
+    lines = []
+    version_line = 'PYTHON_{name}_VERSION = {version}\n'.format(
+        name=pkg_name.upper(),
+        version=version)
+    lines.append(version_line)
+    targz = targz.replace(
+        version,
+        '$(PYTHON_{name}_VERSION)'.format(name=pkg_name.upper()))
+    targz_line = 'PYTHON_{name}_SOURCE = {filename}\n'.format(
+        name=pkg_name.upper(),
+        filename=targz)
+    lines.append(targz_line)
+    site_line = ('PYTHON_{name}_SITE = {url}\n'.format(
+        name=pkg_name.upper(),
+        url=url['url'].replace(url['filename'], '')))
+    if 'sourceforge' in site_line:
+        site_line = ('PYTHON_{name}_SITE = {url}\n'.format(
+            name=pkg_name.upper(),
+            url=url['url']))
+    lines.append(site_line)
+    return lines
+def create_mk_setup(pkg_name, tar_folder):
+    """
+    Create the line refering to the setup method of the package of the
+    <package_name>.mk file
+    There are two things you can use to make an installer
+    for a python package: distutils or setuptools
+    distutils comes with python but does not support dependancies.
+    distutils is mostly still there for backward support.
+    setuptools is what smart people use,
+    but it is not shipped with python :(
+    Keyword Arguments:
+    pkg_name -- name of the package
+    tar_folder -- name of the folder where the setup.py can be found
+    """
+    lines = []
+    setup_type_line = 'PYTHON_{name}_SETUP_TYPE = {method}\n'.format(
+        name=pkg_name.upper(),
+        method=setup_info(tar_folder)['method'])
+    lines.append(setup_type_line)
+    return lines
+def create_mk_license(pkg_name, license_name, package_location):
+    """
+    Create the lines referring to the package's license informations of the
+    <package_name>.mk file
+    The license's files are found by searching the package for files named
+    license or license.txt (case insensitive).
+    If more than one license file is found, the user is asked to select which
+    ones he wants to use.
+    Keyword Arguments:
+    pkg_name -- name of the package
+    license_name -- name of the license
+    package_location -- where to look for the licenses
+    """
+    lines = []
+    license_line = 'PYTHON_{name}_LICENSE = {license}\n'.format(
+        name=pkg_name.upper(),
+        license=license_name)
+    lines.append(license_line)
+    print('WARNING: License has been set to "{license}",'
+          ' please change it manually if necessary'.format(
+              license=license_name))
+    filenames = ['LICENSE', 'LICENSE.TXT']
+    license_files = list(find_file_upper_case(filenames, package_location))
+    license_files = [license.replace(package_location, '')[1:]
+                     for license in license_files]
+    if len(license_files) > 1:
+        print('More than one file found for license: ')
+        for index, item in enumerate(license_files):
+            print('\t{index})'.format(index=index), item)
+        license_choices = raw_input(
+            'specify file numbers separated by spaces(default 0): ')
+        license_choices = [int(choice)
+                           for choice in license_choices.split(' ')
+                           if choice.isdigit() and int(choice) in
+                           range(len(license_files))]
+        if len(license_choices) == 0:
+            license_choices = [0]
+        license_files = [file
+                         for index, file in enumerate(license_files)
+                         if index in license_choices]
+    elif len(license_files) == 0:
+        print('WARNING: No license file found,'
+              ' please specify it manually afterward')
+    license_file_line = ('PYTHON_{name}_LICENSE_FILES ='
+                         ' {files}\n'.format(
+                             name=pkg_name.upper(),
+                             files=' '.join(license_files)))
+    license_file_line = license_file_line.replace(' \n', '\n')
+    lines.append(license_file_line)
+    return lines
+def create_mk_requirements(pkg_name, pkg_req):
+    """
+    Create the lines referring to the dependencies of the of the
+    <package_name>.mk file
+    Keyword Arguments:
+    pkg_name -- name of the package
+    pkg_req -- dependencies of the package
+    """
+    lines = []
+    python_pkg_req = ['python-{name}'.format(name=pkg)
+                      for pkg in pkg_req]
+    dependencies_line = ('PYTHON_{name}_DEPENDENCIES ='
+                         ' {reqs}\n'.format(
+                             name=pkg_name.upper(),
+                             reqs=' '.join(python_pkg_req)))
+    lines.append(dependencies_line)
+    return lines
+def create_config_mk(pkg_name, version, license, url, targz,
+                     tar_folder, pkg_req, package_location):
+    """
+    Create the lines corresponding to the <package_name>.mk file
+    Keyword Arguments:
+    pkg_name -- name of the package
+    version -- version of the package
+    license -- name of the package's license
+    url -- where to download the package
+    targz -- name of the archive when downloaded
+    tar_folder -- name of the folder where the setup.py can be found
+    pkg_req -- dependencies of the package
+    package_location -- path to the extracted package
+    """
+    lines = create_mk_header(pkg_name)
+    lines += create_mk_download_info(pkg_name, version, targz, url)
+    lines += create_mk_setup(pkg_name, tar_folder)
+    lines += create_mk_license(pkg_name, license, package_location)
+    if pkg_req:
+        lines += create_mk_requirements(pkg_name, pkg_req)
+    lines.append('\n')
+    lines.append('$(eval $(python-package))')
+    lines.append('\n')
+    return lines
+def create_hash_file(url, digest, hash_function='sha356'):
+    """
+    Create the lines corresponding to the <package_name>.hash files
+    Keyword Arguments:
+    url -- metadata 'url' from the pypi json api
+    digest -- digest made from the downladed archive
+    hash_function -- algorythm used for hashing
+    """
+    lines = []
+    commented_line = '# {method} calculated by scanpypi\n'.format(
+        method=hash_function)
+    lines.append(commented_line)
+    hash_line = '{method}\t{digest}  {filename}\n'.format(
+        method=hash_function,
+        digest=digest,
+        filename=url['filename'])
+    lines.append(hash_line)
+    return lines
+def create_config_in(pkg_name, pkg_req, package):
+    """
+    Creates the Config.in file of a package
+    pkg_name -- name of the package
+    pkg_req -- dependencies of the package
+    package -- metadata of the package from pypi
+    """
+    lines = []
+    config_line = 'config BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_{name}\n'.format(
+        name=pkg_name.upper())
+    lines.append(config_line)
+    python_line = '\tdepends on BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON\n'
+    lines.append(python_line)
+    bool_line = '\tbool "python-{name}"\n'.format(name=pkg_name)
+    lines.append(bool_line)
+    if pkg_req:
+        for dep in pkg_req:
+            dep_line = '\tselect BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_{req}\n'.format(
+                req=dep.upper())
+            lines.append(dep_line)
+    lines.append('\thelp\n')
+    help_lines = package['info']['summary'].split('\n')
+    help_lines.append('')
+    help_lines.append(package['info']['home_page'])
+    help_lines = ['\t  {line}\n'.format(line=line)
+                  for line in help_lines]
+    lines += help_lines
+    return lines
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # Building the parser
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Creates buildroot packages from the metadata of "
+                    "an existing pypi(pip) packages and include it "
+                    "in menuconfig")
+    parser.add_argument("packages",
+                        help="list of packages to be made",
+                        nargs='+')
+    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output",
+                        help="""
+                        Output directory for packages
+                        """,
+                        default='.')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    packages = list(set(args.packages))
+    # tmp_path is where we'll extract the files later
+    tmp_prefix = 'scanpypi-'
+    pkg_folder = args.output
+    tmp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=tmp_prefix)
+    for real_pkg_name in packages:
+        pkg_name = pkg_buildroot_name(real_pkg_name)
+        print('buildroot package name for {}:'.format(real_pkg_name),
+              pkg_name)
+        # First we download the package
+        # Most of the info we need can only be found inside the package
+        print('Package:', pkg_name)
+        print('Fetching package', real_pkg_name)
+        pkg_json, url = fetch_package_info(real_pkg_name)
+        if not pkg_json:
+            continue
+        pkg_dir = pkg_folder + '/python-' + pkg_name
+        package = json.loads(pkg_json)
+        used_url = ''
+        print('Downloading package {pkg}...'.format(
+              pkg=package['info']['name']))
+        download, targz, used_url, as_file = download_package(package)
+        version = package['info']['version']
+        if not download:
+            print('Error downloading package :', pkg_name)
+            continue
+        sha256_digest = hashlib.sha256(as_file.read()).hexdigest()
+        # extract the tarball
+        tar_folder, tmp_extract = extract_package(pkg_name, as_file, tmp_path)
+        # Loading the package install info from the package
+        sys.path.append(tmp_extract)
+        print(tmp_extract)
+        import setup
+        setup = reload(setup)
+        sys.path.remove(tmp_extract)
+        pkg_req = None
+        # Package requierement are an argument of the setup function
+        if 'install_requires' in setup_info(tar_folder):
+            pkg_req = get_requirements(tar_folder)
+            # We could stop here
+            # or ask the user if he still wants to continue
+            # Buildroot python packages require 3 files
+            # The  first is the mk file
+            # See:
+            # http://buildroot.uclibc.org/downloads/manual/manual.html
+        print('Checking if package {name} already exists...'.format(
+            name=pkg_dir))
+        try:
+            os.makedirs(pkg_dir)
+        except OSError as exception:
+            if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+                print("ERROR: ", exception.message, file=sys.stderr)
+                continue
+            print('Error: Package {name} already exists'.format(name=pkg_dir))
+            del_pkg = raw_input(
+                'Do you want to delete existing package ? [y/N]')
+            if del_pkg.lower() == 'y':
+                shutil.rmtree(pkg_dir)
+                os.makedirs(pkg_dir)
+            else:
+                continue
+        pkg_mk = 'python-{name}.mk'.format(name=pkg_name)
+        path_to_mk = '/'.join([pkg_dir, pkg_mk])
+        print('Creating {file}...'.format(file=path_to_mk))
+        config_mk_lines = create_config_mk(pkg_name, version,
+                                           package['info']['license'],
+                                           used_url, targz, tar_folder,
+                                           pkg_req, tmp_extract)
+        with open(path_to_mk, 'w') as mk_file:
+            mk_file.writelines(config_mk_lines)
+        # The second file we make is the hash file
+        # It consists of hashes of the package tarball
+        # http://buildroot.uclibc.org/downloads/manual/manual.html#adding-packages-hash
+        pkg_hash = 'python-{name}.hash'.format(name=pkg_name)
+        path_to_hash = '/'.join([pkg_dir, pkg_hash])
+        print('Creating {filename}...'.format(filename=path_to_hash))
+        hash_lines = create_hash_file(used_url, sha256_digest)
+        with open(path_to_hash, 'w') as hash_file:
+            hash_file.writelines(hash_lines)
+        # The Config.in is the last file we create
+        # It is used by buildroot's menuconfig, gconfig, xconfig or nconfig
+        # it is used to displayspackage info and to select requirements
+        # http://buildroot.uclibc.org/downloads/manual/manual.html#_literal_config_in_literal_file
+        path_to_config = '/'.join([pkg_dir, 'Config.in'])
+        print('Creating {file}...'.format(file=path_to_config))
+        config_in_lines = create_config_in(pkg_name, pkg_req, package)
+        with open(path_to_config, 'w') as config_file:
+            config_file.writelines(config_in_lines)

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