[Buildroot] Howto use "Makeusers"

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at free-electrons.com
Fri Dec 4 14:03:54 UTC 2015


On Fri, 4 Dec 2015 15:01:51 +0100, Andreas Ehmanns wrote:

> to make an openldap server available for buildroot I created an init 
> script which starts the ldap server as non-privileged user (and group).
> Since the ldap user and group is not existing on the target I searched 
> for a way to let the openldap package add the user and group to the 
> target filesystem. The buildroot documentation describes in chapter 23 
> the syntax of "makeusers". So far so good, but I have no idea to which 
> file I should add the corresponding makeusers command.
> I grepped the buildroot tree for an example but unfortunately did not 
> found a package using this command.
> Does anybody have an example how to do this.

Directly in your .mk file, using a variable named <pkg>_USERS. See
package/dbus/dbus.mk for an example:

        dbus -1 dbus -1 * /var/run/dbus - dbus DBus messagebus user

This is also documented in the manual, which says:

   LIBFOO_USERS lists the users to create for this package, if it
   installs a program you want to run as a specific user (e.g. as a
   daemon, or as a cron-job). The syntax is similar in spirit to the
   makedevs one, and is described in the Chapter 23, Makeusers syntax
   documentation. This variable is optional.

Hope this helps,

Thomas Petazzoni, CTO, Free Electrons
Embedded Linux, Kernel and Android engineering

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