[Buildroot] how to point at a local archive of S/W tarballs?

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at crashcourse.ca
Thu Apr 16 12:21:56 UTC 2015

  [apologies if you've seen this before -- i posted it yesterday but
it doesn't seem to show up in the ML archives.]

  if i'm starting a new build, how can i take advantage of the
gigabytes of S/W tarballs i've collected for doing OE/yocto project

  i want to set the equivalent of a local mirror -- would i set a
value in the "Primary download site" config option, with the format



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday
LinkedIn:                               http://ca.linkedin.com/in/rpjday

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