[Buildroot] Creation of /etc/dropbear

Gustavo Zacarias gustavo at zacarias.com.ar
Thu Nov 6 16:16:19 UTC 2014

On 11/06/2014 12:29 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:

> In my case, the rootfs is also not persistent, but mounted read-write.
> In this case, I have an init script that restores the keys from
> persistent storage into /etc/dropbear and an exit script that saves
> the keys to persistent storage. All this after checking that the keys
> are valid using dropbearkey.
> If you could mount your roofs as read-write, then the same approach
> could be taken, or alternatively the symlink could be created from an
> init script.
> Of course, when mounting the rootfs truly read-only, neither approach works.

Overlayfs /etc, it won't matter if root is RO in that case.
(alternatively aufs or other implementation as well).
Also you could bind-mount /etc/dropbear if it's a directory (which it is
given what the package does) from some other rw directory of your choosing.

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