[Buildroot] issues without busybox

Gustavo Zacarias gustavo at zacarias.com.ar
Tue Jul 22 10:31:41 UTC 2014

On 07/21/2014 06:35 PM, Gilles wrote:
> I don't know, there are already SO MANY alternatives to SystemV init with
> event driven init like boot scripts, initNG, launchd (my favorite), SMF, runit, syscan, upstart, einit...
> It's almost a full time job to stay on top of it all as it is.

I'm not proposing making an init system itself, just bridging the
available options in buildroot in a consistent way.
These things could be done in separate steps:

1) Make initscript consistent.
I've been tweaking some a bit so as to use the return value and say if
it indeed started correctly instead of a blind echo.

2) Make them configurable.
Use a simple method such as sourcing /etc/default/$NAME for the default
variable assignments and /etc/config/$NAME to override for example.
Buildroot can ship /etc/default/$NAME which can be in a RO partition and
the user can (or not) have a RW partition mounted in /etc/config where
he can customize the initscript behaviour.
Easy to handle without any unification filesystem and easy to do a
factory reset.

3) Work around missing utilities like start-stop-daemon and such by
wrapping up such things in helper scripts that will call the appropiate

Something like that :)


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