[Buildroot] [PATCH 0/3] Support for out-of-tree Buildroot customization

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at gmail.com
Thu Sep 12 07:54:56 UTC 2013


On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr> wrote:
> Ryan, Thomas, All,
> Yes, as I said above, I would have expected companies (well, people at
> companies) be stressed by projects deadlines, and that they would work
> in BR2_EXTERNAL, and only try to upstream later, when it would be too
> late (for them!) to have proper reviews, since they would be internally
> committed to their changes in BR2_EXTERNAL, and we would not be able to
> take their changes.
> But if people use BR2_EXTERNAL as a fallback for anything that did not
> make it upstream (by lack of time, or of interest), or for purely
> internal stuff, then I don't see a reason for concern. All the better! :-)

Not to ruin the atmosphere, but even though Ryan and his colleagues
may be using BR2_EXTERNAL 'the good way', ultimately helping the
buildroot project with their contributions, the danger of others not
doing that is still real. Of course, _not_ contributing changes made
in a company project was also possible previously, without
BR2_EXTERNAL, so this is no reason to block the patchset.

In case it may be useful to others: here is how I am using buildroot
in a company environment. We are not directly tracking mainline, but
base ourselves on release tarballs. We have one Mercurial repository
in which each of these release tarballs are extracted (the pristine
repository). In this repository, no changes are made other than the
extracting. Since these are release tarballs, there is obviously no
information about the individual commits made in buildroot git, but
this is generally not a problem. In case we do want to know who made a
particular change, we can still look that up in buildroot git.
A second repository is cloned from this first one, and does contain
our own changes. This two-repository approach is similar to having a
pristine branch and a master branch for development, it's a matter of
Our changes are mainly in package/company, board/company and configs.
This makes updating to a new buildroot release pretty straightforward:
first the pristine repo is updated with a new tarball. Then, these
changes are pulled into the development repo, and merged. Most merges
will be trivial because most changes are in separate files.
If necessary, changes made upstream are imported as separate commits
on top of the releases, but this happens only occasionally.

Of course, we do sometimes make changes in standard buildroot files.
These can be new non-proprietary packages, or other changes throughout
the tree. We take care to keep this upstreamable, and do effectively
upstream when/where possible. It are these files that can pose a merge
conflict, because for example the implementation originally committed
is slightly different from the one accepted upstream. Or maybe, the
patch has not yet been accepted upstream when a new release is taken
The upstreaming work is currently done by one person (me) and this is
clearly the weak point. If I stop paying attention to upstreaming, or
to keeping the changes we make upstreamable, the delta between our
development repo and mainline buildroot becomes so large that it is a
nightmare to keep up with newer releases.

In our overall build process, at some point the buildroot repo will be
cloned at the right revision, the relevant config set, and 'make' will
be run in buildroot. Afterwards, the result files will be collected
from output/images and post-processed into the right format to put on
our boards. One could consider buildroot here as a backend, as Yann
referred to.

Upstreaming is also done with Mercurial: I convert buildroot git to hg
using the hg-git extension. Patches are directly sent from Mercurial
through the patchbomb extension. The only git command I execute is
'git pull' in the git repo, and possible 'git checkout next' during
the time there is a master and active next branch.

Best regards,

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