[Buildroot] About ti-gfx package

Sinan Akpolat sinan at linkas.com.tr
Wed Jun 26 08:59:21 UTC 2013


My company is working on a AM3517 board. We are using Technexion's 
TAM3517 board for development right now.

I was working on TI's SDK a few weeks ago but some more urgent things 
came up. I would definitely like to help if we can get it working in 
Buildroot. I can also help in testing.

I don't know much about the history about TI's GFX SDK. I don't know 
about the soft float issue either. I was trying to run it with mfpu=neon 
parameter in the toolchain.

There are some other things I'm not certain.

I was working with 4_09_00_01 version and I think it works on AM35xx right?

Also I thought TI only supported kernels up to 2.6.37 for AM3517. I 
can't remember where I get that idea, but I know Technexion doesn't 
provide any later kernels for their AM3517 boards.

I don't know how buildroot works exactly but I started reading the 
documentation. I hope I can help. We are hoping to use EGL and Qt5.

Sorry if I wrote technically incorrect stuff, I worked on SGX SDK for a 
short while last month and I realize I have forgotten most of what I did 
now : )

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