[Buildroot] can-utils or site method git broken

Peter Korsgaard jacmet at uclibc.org
Fri Nov 30 19:51:14 UTC 2012

>>>>> "Stephan" == Stephan Hoffmann <sho at relinux.de> writes:

 Stephan> Hi,
 Stephan> I am currently trying to build can-utils without success. Obviously,
 Stephan> getting the required commit from gitorious.org fails. I verified that I
 Stephan> can clone the repo by hand and that it contains the right hash.

 Stephan> Configuration: beaglebone_defconfig, added can-utils, branch
 Stephan> master from today (82583bf4), Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

Odd, it works here:

make can-utils-patch
>>> can-utils 836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f Downloading
Cloning into bare repository 'can-utils-836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f'...
warning: Could not find remote branch 836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f to clone.
fatal: Remote branch 836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f not found in upstream origin
Cloning into bare repository 'can-utils-836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f'...
remote: Counting objects: 732, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (253/253), done.
remote: Total 732 (delta 485), reused 706 (delta 468)
Receiving objects: 100% (732/732), 221.56 KiB | 118 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (485/485), done.
>>> can-utils 836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f Extracting
gzip -d -c /var/lib/downloads/can-utils-836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f.tar.gz | tar --strip-components=1 -C /home/peko/source/buildroot/output/build/can-utils-836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f  -xf -
>>> can-utils 836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f Patching package//can-utils
>>> can-utils 836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f  Updating config.sub and config.guess
for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/peko/source/buildroot/output/build/can-utils-836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done
>>> can-utils 836d3cc0122ce31a1b732d369cbd27b690c3110f Patching libtool

Do you have an old git version on your build machine? I have

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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