[Buildroot] vsftpd

Charles Krinke charles.krinke at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 15:38:18 UTC 2012

its my day to be a "noob" again as I am having trouble getting vsftpd
accepting connections on an MPC8321 project. I am near the end of my
project after a year and started with buildroot 2011.03 last spring
and today is the day to enable vsftpd and ntp-wait.

I enable the vsftpd package, it builds, and I get a /usr/sbin/vsftpd
and /etc/init.d/S70vsftpd on the MPC8321 target. When the target
boots, it does say "Starting vsftpd: OK" on the console.

The package does not create an /etc/vsftpd.conf, so I created one that
looks like this:

# cat /etc/vsftpd.conf

Now for the bad news. Connections are refused from an external host,
making me think vsftpd is not really running. A "ps" does not show
vftpd in its list. A "netstat" does not show ftp. Invoking vsftpd from
a bash prompt says:

# vsftpd
500 OOPS: vsftpd: not configured for standalone, must be started from inetd

So, can someone help me navigate through the "Valley of Confusion"
towards the "Ridge of Enlightment" so I can get to the next problem
which is "why the frick cannot I get microperl to compile".

Charles "Noob For The Day" Krinke

Charles Krinke

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