[Buildroot] Suggestion: increase username buffer size in busybox login

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Tue Aug 14 17:07:12 UTC 2012

Dmitry, All,

On Tuesday 14 August 2012 15:47:50 Dmitry Golubovsky wrote:
> Would anybody object to increase the size of the username buffer that
> busybox login has:
> loginutils/login.c, line 37
> enum {
> 	TIMEOUT = 60,
> };
> I would like to submit a patch to increase USERNAME_SIZE to 256.
> My rationale is (disclaimer: mainly influenced by my own
> buildroot-based project): now that we have PAM in place, more
> interesting login schemes are possible such as authentication against
> some remote host/domain which asks for usernames like user at host or
> user at domain (or domain\user).
> Where did the size 32 come from?
> Or would it be better to raise this with busybox developers?

Yep, probably. If there's a hard-reason for 32, they are the guys that
will know for sure, and if the change is accepted, they are the guys
that can apply it ;-)
    busybox at busybox.net

Yann E. MORIN.

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