[Buildroot] Problems with libsigc staging installation

Allan Nielsen a at awn.dk
Thu Apr 12 08:01:05 UTC 2012


I'm having some problems with using the static libraries libsigc
installs in the staging directory.

The problem only exists when using my Ubuntu computer, everything
works fine when running Gentoo.

Here is my trace of the problem:

- When compiling a package using libsigc (the actual package is not
part of buildroot) the compiler complains that it can not find

- This is because libsigc-2.0.la contains an absolute path to the
libstdc++.la file which is incorrect. See snippet:

SNIPPET FROM ./output/host/usr/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib/libsigc-2.0.la
SNIPPET FROM ./output/host/usr/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib/libsigc-2.0.la

The same snippet from libsigc-2.0.la~

SNIPPET FROM ./output/host/usr/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib/libsigc-2.0.la~
SNIPPET FROM ./output/host/usr/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib/libsigc-2.0.la~

The libsigc-2.0.la and libsigc-2.0.la~ are different because they has
been processed by this command (in package/Makefile.autotools.in) :

        for i in $$$$(find $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib* -name "*.la"); do \
                cp -f $$$$i $$$$i~; \
                $$(SED) "s:\(['= ]\)/usr:\\1$(STAGING_DIR)/usr:g" $$$$i; \

This explains the incorrect path in sysroot/usr/lib/libsigc-2.0.la,
but it seems like the path in wrong in the first place...

All the remaining *.la and *.la~ files installed in sysroot/usr/lib/
have absolute pathes pointing to
and not /usr/local/x86_64-gmb-linux-gnu/lib/gcc/x86_64-gmb-linux-gnu

So, why is that?

Any hints on how to debug this?

Best regards
Allan W. Nielsen

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