[Buildroot] busybox login problem on AT91SAM9263

Ulf Samuelsson ulf.samuelsson at atmel.com
Wed Jan 21 17:36:09 UTC 2009

ons 2009-01-21 klockan 13:11 +0100 skrev Peter Korsgaard:
> >>>>> "Robin" == Stridh, Robin ActeSE <robin.stridh at acteembedded.se> writes:
> Hi,
>  Robin> Hi Peter and thanks for your quick reply!
> You're welcome.
>  Peter> Then it's time to debug. Do you have an /etc/securetty on the target
>  Peter> and does it list ttyS0?
>  Robin> Yes, ttyS0 is listed in /etc/securetty. The only change i made
>  Robin> from the non working to the working version is changing the
>  Robin> busybox version and rebuild buildroot.
> Ok, are you using the default busybox config
> (package/busybox/busybox-1.13.x.config) or a custom one?

Last time I loaded the SAM9263 board was 10-12 days ago,
and at that time I managed to get the board running
without any such problem, 
- I might have upgraded the uclibc-config though.

Ulf Samuelsson

>  Peter> If that's ok, then I would suggest you enable strace, boot with
>  Peter> init=/bin/sh and send the strace output of running login here to the
>  Peter> list.
>  Robin> I tried passing init=/bin/sh to the kernel, but then I end up
>  Robin> without a shell.  The console is still responsive and echoes
>  Robin> everything I type and produces newlines when I hit return but
>  Robin> nothing more.
> Strange, that doesn't sound right. What is you console= on the kernel
> cmdline set to?

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